

How To Reduce Neck Fat | Also Called As Buffalo Fat

 Are you suffering with the extra fat at your neck? Feeling uncomfortable while posing??

Checkmate your fat. Yes, here you can have an absolutely working idea to reduce that buffalo fat. By folowing this idea , you will definitely loss the fat and can get a beautiful back neck. Read and follow the steps given here for a quick results.

  For so many people it is like a normal thing according to their body personality. For those people who are not peared cab feel abarassed about their extra fat at their necks also called as buffalo fat.

Firstly you cannot get them if you are having a perfect diet and having an excersice which much your body wants. The imbalance at your habits results like this. Over excersice is harmful to body. Like wise, less excersice to your body also harmful to you. Because of your are not giving proper excersice to your body , then how can it respond when you want transformation. Your body also thinks like selfish. Lol. 

Dont feel shy or anything else for your body shapings. Because they can change at any time. We can transform them as we like. So need not to be worry about these things.

Coming to the original topic. 


We have many excersices to reduce the fat. But for that we should have some great patience for better and perfect results. So be patience while the results are under process.

So here we have three types of excercises. Which can burn fat at neck.

At first step, you have to feel cool and be with patience. In thus first step you can have 4 poses. And we gave code YWLS

  • Y pose
  • W pose
  • L pose
  • S pose
In detail, Y pose means to put your body in the position of the shape Y. To do this, you have to stretch your hands. 
Firstly, you have to breath in and try to hold on it as long as you can. Fully stretch your hands without bends. Hardly push back your elbow till you feel pain. Slowly pull your elbow s little bit to relieve from that pain. Show your hands upside, so that you look like Y. Put your body at this pose over 40 seconds. Till these 40 sec seconds, slowly breathe out. And then realise and agaim breathe in and start second pose.

Secondly, you will have to be in the W position. For that you have to breath in and try to hold on it as long as you can. Fully stretch your hands without bends as completely parallel to your shoulders. Hardly push back your elbow till you feel pain. Slowly pull your elbow a little bit to relieve from that pain. Now , make an able of 90° at the joint putting your hands upward direction and maintain that pose for 30 seconds. The then release. And go with the third pose

Next, you will have to pose like l as down your hands and make an angle of 90° at joints pointing your hands side wards. And maintain it for 30 seconds. 
Next, stretch your hands sidewards at maintain it for 30 seconds. 
So first set of exercises are completed. Then we have to go for second exercise. 
For that longly stretch hands backward by joining palms. Tightly hold both palms. Stretch hardly as you can feel some pain. Then try to flip your head back side so that the fat at the neck will start burning. And it is the second exercise now we have to go for third.

For the third, go to the wall. Place hands to the wall not so far nor so near. Keep some distance. Keep in touch with wall with all your hand except the upper part of joint. And place your hands upside. Then turn your head right side completely and then try to flip back side. And again with left side. So that all the muscles around your neck come in work and become active. And burn the excess the fat. And you can feel free in turning your head around.
 The three exercises completed. And by doing this continuously, you can see your results after a week and it will be alright.

Hope you understand. And let us know if you want any other tips.

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