

What Are Surya Namaskarams? How Many Are There? And Its Details.


What Are Surya Namaskarams? How Many Are There? And Its Details.

What are the Surya namaskarams

Surya namaskarams are the habitual exercises unrelated to caste or religion. These helps our body to control over mind. These helps our concentration to be study and make us fit and healthy. The benefit us to reduce the use of medicines and create positive vibes. These actions awake us to realise how the morning refreshments could  be. On by doing we will freshness in our way of confidence and can observe the new freshness in breathing.

These should be done at early morning while the sun arising. There are 12 namaskarams in one set. 12sets per day makes us healthy very quickly. Its hard to do at starting but it become so easy by practice. 

List of 12 Surya namaskarams

Stithi pranamasana is the basic of all these.(à°¸్à°¥ిà°¤ి à°ª్à°°à°¨ాà°®ాసనం)

1. Artha chakrasanam(à°…à°°్à°¥ à°šà°•్à°°ాసనం)

2. Padha hasthaasana(à°ªాదహస్à°¤ాసనం)

3. Aswasanchalanasanam( à°…à°¶్à°µ à°¸ంచలన ఆసనం)

4. Dhandasana (à°¦ంà°¡ాసనం)

5. Sasangasanam(సశంà°—ాసనం)

6. Ashtangasanam(à°…à°·్à° ంà°—ాసనం)

7. Bhujangasanam(à°­ుà°œంà°—ాసనం)

8. Parvathasana(పర్వతాసనం)

9. Sasangasanam(సశంà°—ాసనం)

10. Aswasanchalanasanam( à°…à°¶్à°µ à°¸ంచలన ఆసనం)

11. Padha hasthaasana(à°ªాదహస్à°¤ాసనం)

12. Artha chakrasanam(à°…à°°్à°¥ à°šà°•్à°°ాసనం)

These are the 12 most Surya namaskarams we have.

How to pose these namaskarams.


Join both palms lift up the hands starightly, slightly bend backward as down as u can. By practicing regularly it comes in the shape of half circle. Artha chakrasana means half circled.


Continuing from the artha chakrasana, slowly take you hands from back to up and slowly start to bend front ward. Slowly touch your feet by breathing slowly. Do concentrate on what you are doing and how you are breathing. It is touching feet meaning of Padha hasthasana.

3. Aswa sanchala aasanam.

Longly stritch left leg back ward, make an angle of 90° at right leg at front ward. At down position. Look straightly. It's look like horse. 


It is look like the pose of dips. Balancing body on feet fingers and both palm putting body at plane positions.


Sit properly on kees putting head down touching floor. Touch your feet with bump. Stretch hands toward head longly.


Set the body on floor at plane position. Lift up the bump slightly. And lift up your elbow and put your palms at parallel to chest.


From the position of ashtangasanam, lift your upper body to upward without any chance at palm position.


Palms and feet at same position lift up your whole body.


Sit properly on kees putting head down touching floor. Touch your feet with bump. Stretch hands toward head longly.

10. Aswa sanchala aasanam.

Longly stritch left leg back ward, make an angle of 90° at right leg at front ward. At down position. Look straightly. It's look like horse.


Continuing from the artha chakrasana, slowly take you hands from back to up and slowly start to bend front ward. Slowly touch your feet by breathing slowly. Do concentrate on what you are doing and how you are breathing. It is touching feet meaning of Padha hasthasana.


Join both palms lift up the hands starightly, slightly bend backward as down as u can. By practicing regularly it comes in the shape of half circle. Artha chakrasana means half circled.

What Are Surya Namaskarams? How Many Are There? And Its Details.

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